少なくとも: 少なくとも すくなくとも at least 少なくとも1度か2度: at least once or twice 少なくとも2~3年はかかる。: That's going to take at least a couple of years. 少なくとも当分の間は: at least for the time being 大都市における輸送機関の利用の少なくとも3分の2は、仕事に関係している。: At least two-thirds of the transportation usage in the metropolitan areas is work related. 少なくとも 1: 1. at (a [the]) minimum 2. at least 3. at lowest 4. at the very least 5. if not more 6. if nothing else 7. not less than 少なくとも 2 【副】 1. easy 2. leastwise / leastways 少なくとも 3 if someone is a day〔少なくとも~の: 【形】 good〔数量を表す語を修飾して〕 少なくとも~は: for one にんにくは少なくとも5かけはいるわね。: We need at least 5 cloves of garlic.〔親→子(一緒に料理を作る)〕 少なくとも3人: three or more persons 少なくとも当面は: 1. at least for a while 2. at least for the time being わかんない。少なくとも2~3年かな。: I don't know. At least a couple of years. あなたは少なくとも2週間の絶対安静が必要です: You will need [require] complete bed rest for at least 2 weeks. 受注後少なくとも_週間は: at least __ weeks after receiving orders 少なくともこの場合では: at least in this instance